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Faith is not static. It is created in us by the Holy Spirit and continually develops and changes throughout our lives. We can nurture and deepen it through study, conversation, prayer, and worship.

Children's Ministry

There are many opportunities for children to grow in faith at St. John’s.


Every week, we have Faith Formation at 9am in between our two worship services. Stories are told and activities and crafts are led by our caring leaders. Our main priority is making sure each and every child knows just how much God loves them.


During worship, Pastor Becca invites all children up for a special message. We also have activity bags and a PrayGround to help kids and their families feel more comfortable in worship. The bags have coloring books and toys and the PrayGround encourages kids to take part in worship by making every part visible and accessible to them.


For more information, contact the Church Office.

Youth Ministry

For youth in middle school and high school, faith formation happens in a few different ways. On Sunday mornings, our Youth Group meets between services at 9am for study and conversation. Sunday afternoons, middle school-aged youth have Confirmation Class with Pastor Becca, followed by a Youth Group time of fellowship and fun for both middles schoolers and high schoolers. Throughout the year, there are opportunities for service trips, lock-ins, fundraising activities, special events, and more! In 2018 our Youth are planning to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston, TX!


For more information, contact the Church Office.

Adult Ministry

Pastor Becca leads two Bible Studies each week.


On Wednesday morning, participants go through the scripture texts for the upcoming Sunday’s worship.


On Sundays, those gathered are currently working their way through the entire Bible, book by book.

On Tuesday evenings, St. John’s hosts a women’s Bible Study at 6:15 pm. Additionally, the Friday Knights (men’s group) meet most Friday evenings.


For more information, contact the Church Office.

Special Needs Ministry

Saint John’s pleased and honored to have the Miracle Worker’s as part of our community. These incredible individuals have their own Faith Formation class on Sunday mornings, participate and help lead worship, and, in general, are full and active contributors to our life here. 


For more information, contact the Church Office.

Pastoral Support

From time to time, our faith needs more personal and individual attention. Pastor Becca is available for prayer, conversation, and pastoral counseling.


Our faith is inactive if it is not accompanied by actions. We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Below are just some of the ways Saint John’s is living into that calling.


  • Volunteer Groups

  • Committees 

  • Worship & Music Leadership

  • Worshipping

  • Local, National and International Community Service

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